Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Yasaka Shrine

The bus dropped us off fairly close to Yasaka Shrine, which was our next stop.  The gate was gorgeous!!
Yasaka Shrine was first built in 656 AD. It was dedicated to Susa-no-o, the god of prosperity and good health, and his wife and 8 children. Most of the buildings that remain today are from a reconstruction in 1654. 
This is a roofed ceremonial stage for religious ceremonies. The many lanterns that decorate the shrine's stage are lit after dark and bear the names of their sponsors, mostly Kyoto businesses.

There were a lot of kimonos around this shrine as well, but at this point, we weren't as excited by them and taking pictures of every one we saw.  Tayla did ask this sweet lady if she could take her picture, though.  She thought she was so pretty!
Ringing the bell to awake the gods and throw their coin in.  Notice Kirstina in Raymond's backpack.  Though she doesn't like it as well as the other kids have, this is how she got around Kyoto much of the time.

After walking around this shrine, we went back to the gate area where there were several booths selling jewelry and food.  We shared a couple of orders of takoyaki (octopus dumplings) before moving on to our next stop.

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