Sunday, January 24, 2016


One morning, I was laying in bed with my eyes closed planning our day in my head.  Ray was in the shower getting ready to head to school.  I felt the bed shaking, and thought Raymond was standing next to it shaking it with his legs.  I opened my eyes to ask him what in the world he was doing....only he wasn't there.  He was still in the shower.  It was then that I realized I was feeling an earthquake.  I lay very still and enjoyed the experience (I've always wanted to feel an earthquake)  for the few seconds that it lasted and then got up to see if any of the kids had also felt it.  They hadn't, but during our time on this island, most of us have felt an earthquake at one time or another.  None of them were very strong and didn't cause any damage.

Caitlin:  I felt three. The first time I was on mom's bed on the computer and it felt like someone was bouncing their knees on the bed. I looked up, expecting to see an annoying sibling, and I realized I was feeling an earthquake instead. The second time I was in the kitchen and it was a vibration so slight I wasn't sure if I'd felt it. I looked into the dining room at the light that hung on a cord from the ceiling and it was swaying back and forth. The third time was the biggest one, I was lying on my futon in my sleeping bag when it started. It felt like someone was outside pushing on the side of the house and it was wiggling. I kind of rolled back and forth a little, it lasted maybe eight seconds. They weren't super scary or anything, and I'm glad I got to feel them.

Tayla:  I never felt one.  I'm sad.  I was hoping the whole time that I would be able to feel one.  I guess I just have really awesome balance because the earthquakes never threw me off.

Christopher:  I felt one.  I was standing in our room when it happened.  It was cool because it felt like a vibration.  It was like I was standing on a log that was being sawed in half.  I wish I had felt more.

Logan:  I felt four earthquakes.  When the earthquakes happened, the ground just shook a little.  I got underneath a doorway or a table for a lot of them.  One time, I woke up and the ground was trembling a little bit, and I jumped up and got in the doorway until I felt it stop.  It was kind of scary at first.  But, after a few of them had happened, I enjoyed earthquakes and thought they were cool.

Nathan:  I never felt one.

Audra:  I don't know if she ever felt one or not.  When the kids would get excited and start running around exclaiming that they felt an earthquake, she would join in.  She was probably just copying the kids, though.

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