Sunday, January 24, 2016

Weird and Yummy Kit-Kats

The candy store on the shopping street near our home is a place that we stop at a couple of times a week.  It's close by and they always have new and interesting things to try out.  They rotate their stock so every time we go there are new items on their shelves.   One thing that we always find there, though, are the Kit-Kats.  Japan has 15 different flavors of Kit-Kats, and there are also special edition ones available at different times throughout the year.  Wherever we go, we keep our eyes out for a new flavor of Kit-Kat that we can purchase and try out.  It's kinda fun to always be on the hunt for them and we get excited when we find a new flavor.
We always see the green tea flavor, but we don't ever eat those on account of the fact that they are not in line with our religious beliefs. Dark chocolate is another one that we often find, and one of our favorites.  
We found orange flavored ones in Kyoto, but the package was about $10 and we weren't going to pay that.   
The candy store usually has cheesecake or strawberry cheesecake--which are SSSOOOO good!!
We found the strawberry ones a few times and they were pretty good.  Not as good as cheesecake.
Around Easter time, we got a tip from Aunt Christine to find carrot flavored ones and apple pie ones.  We never did find the carrot Kit-Kats, but the apple pie ones were awesome!  Nathan thought they were the best ones yet!  

We loved the candied sweet potatoes that we had at the Plum Blossom Festival in February and wanted to try the Kit-Kats, but we never came across them.  Darn.

And, these apple ones!  Apples in Japan transport you to a magical place when you eat them.  They are what fruit will taste like in Heaven.  We can only imagine what apple flavored Kit-Kats would be like!  But, never did see them.  Double darn.

After we went to Okinawa, we would totally had loved to run across the benimo tart Kit-Kats....but we never did.  Triple darn.
Our goal was to find all 15 flavors and try them all, but we never did find them all.  We had fun looking, though!  Here's a list of the flavors that I haven't already mentioned:
1. Citrus Golden Blend
3. Pear
4. Edamame Soybean
5. Sweet Potato
6. Hot Japanese Chili
7. Cinnamon Cookie
8. Blueberry Cheesecake
9. Hojicha Roasted Tea
10. Brown Sugar Syrup
11. Red Bean Sandwich
12. Wasabi


  1. You didn't mention the Green Tea flavored ones. They're pretty good!

  2. You didn't mention the Green Tea flavored ones. They're pretty good!
