Sunday, January 25, 2015

Boys' Day Out Part 1

 It was now the boys' turn to go to the Daiso store.  The aisles in the Daiso are really narrow.  All Japanese shops have small, narrow aisles.  It's really annoying for a family our size.  Because of the narrow aisles, and because we have so many children, it is just easier to take the kids shopping in smaller groups rather than all together.  After seeing the girls' loot, the boys were excited to go and see what kind of souvenirs they could get.  Here they are in front of the Takeshita Dori. 
While we were on the Stupid Metro en route to the Daiso, this teen in a green alien costume got on and then got off at the same stop we did.  We knew he was headed to Takeshita Dori also.  The boys got a kick out of him.  He even had green paint on his face.  Notice the teen girl behind him in the pink shoes.  She was dressed up in a Bo Peep type costume. 
The boys got some great stuff at the Daiso.  They got New Year's wreaths, paper lanterns, fans, etc.  They made some really good choices and I am excited for them.
Poor Nathan did not follow my instructions and use the bathroom before we left home.  As soon as we got to Daiso, he had to go to the bathroom.  There wasn't a place for him, so he didn't really enjoy himself very much. 
After we paid for our 100 yen items, we walked around and found a McDonald's--a must have on a teen hangout street, right?  Surely there would be a public bathroom there.  And, thankfully for Nathan, there was.
Upon walking out of MickeyD's, right in front of us was a crepe shop.  I got crepes for the girls on their day out, so to be fair I had to get some for the boys, too. 

They are just so darn pretty and there are so many choices!  The boys fought over which ones to get, because they also had to share.  After some ridiculous arguing, it was finally decided what kind they would get. 

We found a place to sit and eat, and it didn't take long before the crepes were devoured.  Christopher and Nathan shared/fought over who was taking bigger bites and Logan and I shared.  Logan chose ours, and he picked one with strawberries, kiwi, cream, and a scoop of gelato.  I've had gelato, but I've never had gelato like this.  It would be described as heaven. 

Why doesn't America have crepe stands on every corner like Takeshita Dori?????

It was a short Boys' Day Out, but that's because they will have Part 2 this coming weekend..........

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