Friday, January 2, 2015

Japanese Version of a Sandwich

While at 7-11, Raymond saw some rice balls on a shelf.  They were 88 yen, so we got one for each of the kids to try.  We got some tuna and some salmon ones.  Typically, when Japanese people have rice for a meal and have some left over, they will make up a rice ball and keep it in the fridge for lunch or a snack the next day.  They will put some type of meat in the middle of the rice and wrap the whole thing up with a sheet of seaweed.  The kids were intrigued.....

 Nathan didn't like the seaweed on the outside.  Once we peeled it off, he ate the rest of it, but only because he wanted a Japanese doughnut and he couldn't have one until he ate his rice/tuna first. 
 Tayla thought they were yummy.
 Audra must have been hungry because she ate all of it.
 Caitlin likes all Japanese food that she has tried so far, and she liked this also.
 Logan had a salmon rice ball and he thought it was yummy!  The expression doesn't show it, but he really did like it.
Chris thought it was fantastic!  He could have eaten a lot of them.
These rice balls are called onigiris.  I think we will be eating them a lot! 

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