Saturday, April 18, 2015

Decorating Eggs

Friday, April 3rd--I had a hard time finding Easter egg dye, and when I did finally find it, it wasn't cheap--but we lucked out and were able to get what we needed to dye Easter eggs this morning.  We are not able to do most of our Easter traditions this year because of where we currently are.
(Nathan is not wearing a shirt because he currently has a bad habit of chewing on the neckline of his shirts.  He has been trying to stop, but can't seem to do it and he is ruining his shirts.  So, if he feels like he can't control himself that day, he doesn't wear a shirt.  He is self-monitoring this and trying to break this habit.  So, sometimes he just isn't wearing a shirt and we get to see all of his muscles.)
The dye didn't work very well, but the kids made do with what they had and made some pretty eggs for the Easter bunny to hide.
Audra had a follow-up appointment for her collarbone this morning, so she had to dye her eggs after everyone else was pretty much done.  She colored all of her eggs pink!  Big surprise there! 
(They did another x-ray on her collarbone to make sure that it was still properly set and healing well.  Everything looked great!  So good, in fact, that they didn't see a need for her to come in on week 3 of her healing.  We have an appointment for her on week 4, which should be when she is completely healed.  Fingers crossed!  Now, if we can just keep her from running and playing rough with her brothers to make sure that it doesn't get jolted in any way and set her back.  That's right, we need to keep a three year old from running around and playing hard.  Yep.)
Everyone showed Audra what to do and she had a lot of fun with it.  She's at the age where this activity is super exciting!
Happy Easter!

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