Sunday, April 26, 2015

Party to Celebrate the End of Another Year of Torture...Er, Law School

Saturday, April 11th--To celebrate surviving another year of law school, there were always potlucks at UW that we would attend along with other law students and their families.  The kids always looked forward to this...but with Dad's last school year coming to an end, we are in Tokyo and there are no potlucks happening.  Instead, the law school at Temple University planned to celebrate the end of the school year with a party on a riverboat cruise for the law students and a date.  The cruise was free for the law students, they just had to pay for their date.
The cruise included dinner and drinks.  There was a buffet of many different dishes.  The food wasn't really American, but not really Japanese, either.  It was all really good and there was plenty of it!
As we ate, the ship headed out of Tokyo Bay, passing Odaiba Island and many cargo/shipping yards toward the ocean.  It would have been a spectacular view, except that the view was mainly made up of cargo ships and shipping crates.  Still, though, it was pretty awesome!  We made it out to the open ocean, at which point we turned around and headed back toward Tokyo.
The tired law student and his date on the outside deck of the boat as we were turning around to head back to Tokyo.
After dinner, we headed up to the upper deck of the boat to take a group picture.  Then, we all mingled and enjoyed the view.  We were getting back into Tokyo now, and it was pretty awesome to be out on a boat watching Tokyo pass by. The sun had set, and evening was settling in.
Approaching Rainbow Bridge....
...and then going right under it!
Odaiba Island from the deck of our boat.
This is what the deck of the ship looked like.
As we passed by Tokyo Tower, it greeted us by being lit up.  A few other buildings were beginning to light up as well, which made the view all the more beautiful.
Another river boat passing us...
Looking back at where we had just been, we noticed that Rainbow Bridge's lights were now on.
The view up the Sumida River as we docked and prepared to get back onto solid land again.
One more picture, because it was so pretty with all the lights, the dark clouds, and the Tokyo SkyTree.  Sigh,  time to get off our boat.
Looking back at our boat as we headed home...
What a wonderful evening!!  It was such a fun experience to be able to go on a riverboat cruise through Tokyo Bay, to meet some of the deans and fellow law students, and to watch the night settle onto Tokyo from the view of a boat.  Loved it!!

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