Sunday, April 12, 2015

First Steps on Japanese Soil

Sunday, March 29th--Today, Kirstina decided it was time to walk.  She has been taking a step or two here and there, but hasn't had the courage to take the plunge and start walking until today.
She was walking between Caitlin, me and Dad.....
....shrieking with laughter the whole time!  She thought it was great fun!
Where did the time go?  How can she already be old enough that she is walking?!
I love this face!
Walking across the room from Mom to Caitlin....
After a while, she got tired and wouldn't do it anymore.  But, wow, she walked for quite a while and clear across the living room!
So, then Dad and Kirstin played for awhile.  She picked the perfect day to take her first steps--Sunday!  It's the only day that Dad is home.  He was here for her special moment.
Kirstin's first steps were in Japan, not in America.  That's kind of special!